Friday, 10 July 2015


Fellow Republicans I’m proud to announce to you that our darling blog is one month old today! Yay!!! I am dancing shoki and shakiti in my mind. I don’t think you guys can be as excited as I am. My God it’s been a struggle but totally worth it. You know I keep telling you guys this blogging thing is not easy, it’s not beans o and definitely not for people who want to sleep, wake up and have a popular blog. No sister, it takes work, good old hard work. Gush! Do you have an idea what it takes to continually keep a blog interesting? Phew! continue after the cut...

I remember writing my first post I was so anxious I rewrote it a couple of times but finally I decided I would just go for it, no matter how it turns out. So what have I learned in this one month? What are those tips and tricks that do not work well for me and those that do?  How do I cope with negative feedbacks and so many other stuff? That I would let you guys in on subsequently. But for now, cheers to us. And happy one month anniversary.

Before i forget, yours truly would be adding a year on the 1st of august 2015. Thank you thank you, i appreciate.
Also, i am still searching for guest writers who would like to write for us. So if you are interested, send me a mail at and lets get talking. 
If you haven't followed me on Instagram then heres your chance _zizy_ and also @carolesrepublic for twitter.
Have a lovely weekend.


Unknown said...

We love you baby and love what you're doing... hahaha

Unknown said...

Thanks a bunch dear...